Behind the Scenes of Walmart's Spring-Cleaning Campaign

April 24, 2024
Andrew Duke & Michelle Winetrout

NAC Communications Specialist

NAC Communications Coordinator
Walmart pallet train
For over a decade, International 纸 has been at the forefront of Walmart's Spring-Cleaning campaign, orchestrating a logistical symphony behind the scenes.

From securing and packing products onto prodigious pallet trains to overseeing the entire assembly process, International 纸's expertise ensures that Walmart's campaign is taken care of with precision and panache.  
Pallet trains, constructed from corrugated cardboard positioned atop sturdy wooden pallets, are the backbone of Walmart's Spring-Cleaning initiative. Designed for secure transport and placement using forklifts, these displays are a familiar sight in 3,500 Walmart stores across the U.S. during the annual campaign.   
Scotty Pierce, sales manager, sheds light on the intricate process: "十大正规网赌游戏平台的团队 oversees the creation process of the Walmart pallet trains, including generating graphics for the displays, designing how they will stand tall and packing them out full of retail products. Collaboration on our team is key, and we pull in extra resources from many of our IP design locations for big opportunities to showcase our best work."  

Collaboration on our team is key, and we pull in extra resources from many of our IP design locations for big opportunities to showcase our best work.

— Scotty Pierce, sales manager

The assembly of these behemoth displays is no small feat. With multiple assembly lines working tirelessly for three-to-four weeks straight, International 纸's facilities buzz with activity, ensuring on-time delivery every time.  
But what exactly goes into a "pack out?” It's more than just assembling cardboard and loading products. We secure products from suppliers, assemble the displays, load them with products and then ship them to the Walmart locations — ready for the sales floor. The process involves meticulous attention to detail, including the coordination of printing instructions on the pallet train displays, which streamlines their placement within stores.  
Alan Reische, director of design and retail business development, reflects on how International 纸 solved one of Walmart's challenges: "Our ability to ensure consistency in design and ownership of the program through on-time delivery laid the foundation for our partnership." This collaboration has revolutionized pallet train retail displays industry-wide.  
As Walmart's Spring-Cleaning campaign rolls out each year, International 纸's Pallet Trains and unique delivery to market system stand as a testament to innovation, collaboration and excellence in retail packaging and display.  
